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Writer's pictureKathryn Pasker Ineck

A Magic Formula?

Nurturing Catholic kids into faithful Catholic adults is a common discussion topic I have heard over the last 20 years, from both young parents raising their little children and from older parents lamenting the lack of faith in their adult children.

Faithful Catholics want their children to keep the faith, but as many as 85% of all cradle Catholics do not actively remain so as adults, according to the General Social Survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. Eight-five percent. That is a staggering number.

Two young girls praying together at the Cathedral of St. Helena.
Daisy and Grace, cousins by choice, pray together in Helena, MT.

A few years ago, I was chatting with a couple of friends, and I commented that I was trying to lay a foundation for my kids’ futures in case they choose to marry outside the faith. My biggest concern is that a future daughter- or son-in-law could mistake our adherence to Canon Law for a rejection of her or him as a person, which would be terrible.

“Oh, no,” One friend responded, “my kids don’t even know that marrying outside the faith is a possibility for them!”

...Read more at Catholic Mom!

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